Payment, Check In/Out and Cancellation Rules

Check In/Out:

Check In is from 05 p.m and Check Out is before 10 a.m.

For other check -In times, please contact us to find out if it is possible.


A Booking number does not mean that your reservation is confirmed.

The Booking is completed when money transfer to the bank account is made and when you receive an e-mail from us as proof of confirmation.


For payments with Bank Transfer, please write your booking number and name.

Cancellation Policy:

Guests are required to make the money transfer to Bella’s Bed and Breakfast bank account in advance. The payment is non-refundable in case of cancellation at any time.

In very rare cases (with proof of flight cancellations or epidemic) will Bella’s Bed and Breakfast accept cancellations and give refund. However, a fee will be charged in correspondence with the fee that Bella’s Bed and Breakfast itself pays to the loader, to receive the payment transaction in question.

Change of already confirmed reservations to new dates is possible in case there are available rooms.

Smoking Rules:

All rooms at Bella´s Bed and Breakfast are non-smoking.

A fee of 1,000 Dkk will be charged, if despite Danish legislation, signage and warnings, you still smoke indoors.

It is also not allowed to smoke out of  the windows.

This applies to E-cigarettes, too.

Important General Information:

We are not responsible for missing of valuable items.

You will be charged for any missing items from the rooms or other areas at Bella’s Bed and Breakfast.

Playing in the playingground is at your own risk.

No pets allowed.

Bella’s Bed and Breakfast reserve the right to change prices.